Wednesday, March 26, 2008
winters outlast every living thing.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
so, things are moving along, i suppose.
tracy’s back a week with james then enroute to kabul. dinner with them all last night. if a good night of being grownup means drinking bourbon with your daddy, relaxing in the sauna, and to bed at a decent hour, i like being grownup.
several weeks more of microsoftfuckyword and then no more. no more, ok?
Saturday, March 15, 2008
There are things, like the harp that plays in my mind, which cannot be taken away. I can only remember a few phone numbers at once, and once I’ve learned one, it is a hard time to forget. This time it really will be. But, I’m trying to be good, trying to think of the good things. You know, I have learned some things, like that I can actually have such a desire to watch over another person. I didn’t know I had this sort of good stuff in me. I remember things and it is hard to remember, and it is also hard not to. It is difficult, that everything worth anything is a catch-22. I used to write everything down. Now I just dry heave. To my surprise, upset is not very linear— little things like that I don’t even have photographs from the rodeo. I don’t have a map for this. I can’t make a schedule. Neither of us can vitiate each other any longer. Only to myself now. If I’ve learned nothing else, humans are indeed valuable.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Flight of the Concords
apartment therapy
carpal tunnel
three more weeks three more weeks