So this weekend has been alright. Friday tried to go see Zizek, but the bookstore where he was speaking was so packed and his Slovenian accent was so thick, I couldn’t hear much other than the odd ‘capitalism’ or ‘liberalism,’ so instead I drank Red Stripe on the roof with my flatmates and called it a night. Saturday had to attend/help at this memorial service thing which though I grumbled about having to get out of bed, was really touching, and lunched with new colleague. That afternoon I meant to do so much, but two days before I managed to develop the largest most inconvenient blister I’ve ever had in my life, and so after dragging myself around Zara clubfoot, it hurt too much and so I gave up. I wanted to do so much that night, but my body refused to stay awake much past nine. I think the fact that this isn’t vacation and I can’t go home now is starting to get beneath my skin and my body is not happy about it. Saturday night I turned down several social opportunities and felt like a failure about it. Much as one tries, can’t make a housecat go out. Today I tried harder. Went to a monster Episcopal cathedral which was beautiful and all, but I think too much pomp and circumstance for little me. Went with a friend of a friend to Chinatown where I ate crab for the first time. It looked terrifying but didn’t taste too fishy. Also went to this chocolate festival thing where there was a swing band playing, which of course was nice. I know that sounds like a lot of stuff, it still doesn’t feel like enough. I feel like I could have tried harder. Though I have things to do and even some people to do them with, I wouldn’t yet say that I have really found a friend.