Monday, June 18, 2007

So I haven’t written much lately because I’ve been busy and because I haven’t had much to say. Busy working catering, at the bar, as a personal assistant, and busy doing fun things with Micah like going to Boston to visit Wendy, Chase, and the Redsox, going to Sixflags, and watching movies with my favorite ones. But good things can make my head think it wants to explode while at the same time be unsure because it doesn’t know what it wants because its too full of good things. I haven't much to say because I’ve been a bit like that lobster just enjoying his warm bath not knowing when he’s well beyond the boiling point; I’ve had so much good and just so much that instead of being full sometimes I just feel empty. So, soon, not too early or late I am taking a sabbatical; I am coming home in about eleven days to nearly be exact. In this past week or so, this fact has come to rest on my radar; for two nights I have been dreaming Halifax and two weeks I’ve become aware of things that smell like home. And though as with most things opinion related, I am torn, on this side, and I suspect, on the other side, too, I am looking forward to weeding, pulling out the roots, giving myself a little less sunlight, holing myself up for the winter and seeing if I can make it.

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