Monday, August 11, 2008

ok. so i left halifax. left dartmouth. hugged and kissed some family and some friends. ambivalence. packed me two suitcases one hundred and fifty dollars overweight and took them to seattle. smooth sailing fairly enough except for on my first flight there was a medical 'situation'-trained not to say emergency- and so we emergency landed in montreal and good thing i had a long layover because in the end it was tight but i made it.

seattle. pretty, though unexpectedly, claustrophobically hilly. i liked pike market. liked it when a man tried to sell me chocolate and orange pasta. yum! seattle has a lot of coffee shops, indeed. went past the first starbucks. had some of the original roast. whatever.

wendy's wedding was lovely. wendy of course was a beautiful bride. the dress was beautiful; the beehive was beautiful; the bride was really beautiful. all went off pretty much without a hitch (i don't think we can count minor mishaps like unwanted foliage in the bouquets or complications with the bustle).

it was really good to see the kids again, as i knew it would be. great to see mark and johanna, even if only briefly, and anne. lots of fun to see tim- who drove 33 hours from chicago- and his lady who was really nice and sweet. great to see zachie. really great. i'm happy he's gonna come visit. great to see cate though i didn't get to talk to her as much as i would have liked it doesn't matter because i am going to see her in a month! and i forgot how great to be around mark. we went to his parent's house yesterday and it was funny to see him with all of his tall little brothers. i like how i can not see someone for over a year and then when i do it is as if no time has ever passed. i haven't been called d_mmons so much in my life.

i'm with j and erika in portland now and it is a beautiful day.

i'll write more about it and if i can find my camera cord i will post some pictures.

expect more from me in the future. i plan on keeping this thing better updated.

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