Wednesday, November 12, 2008

gosh. so was trying to go on a beer diet: no beer, less beer, you know. but 36+ hours of on call erase that and i find myself buying a pint of rasberries for $1, loosing the other nineteen, dinner byobeer paquan oops broke the fast and at a rock and roll show at an over packed bookstore. the oc's. they were fun but i had to pee and so i made my neighbor andrew leave with me and on the way home serendipidy, absolute serendipity, accidentally walked guerrero instead of valencia and behold tartine bakery- best bakery in the city of san francisco and perhaps beyond holding an art opening the likes of which included every goodie imaginable and filled our pockets with quiche, yes we did. consumption included the ever raved about morning scones; chocolate chip crupets, apple tart, pumpkin and ginger bread, collision of something good cookies, scone involving some sort of oh my oh my don't know what cheese and of course free wine and when it came down to it, I had to call my co-worker, office mate, and mission neighbor because behold we had been talking about infiltrating tartine that very same morning and of course chaplain and her husband encouraged and facilitaed the stealing of a very prime and oft coveted loaf of seven dollar bread. oh gosh i may be hungover for my first unit's evaluation tomorrow morning, but oh well, nonetheless, i will certainly be happy girl!