Thursday, April 26, 2007

So still waiting on some word on job. While all hangs in the balance I’m spending lots of quality time. This afternoon Daniel, Micah and I danced the interpenetration of the trinity barefoot in the sun while smoking those beautiful Camel girl menthols. During Kierkegaard class I zoned out and got really jazzed about making Microsoft Word art, and getting rather sentimental thinking off how much I want to do some family memoirs. Then, Megan and I talked tea houses, puppet theatres, and women’s wars, ate peanut stew, and practiced our unique renditions of the chicken dance (Arrested Development inspired) for tomorrow’s Div School Prom, while Mark and Daniel worked on bikes. I ended up with Mark’s bicycle walk and jazz hands which I blame it on my new jazz shoes—I’ve been bad shopping. And am so poor. So bad spending money. And tonight’s no better. I’m going with Dave to see Spoon. Maybe soon gonna get a job to pay for jazz shoes and student loans and get my papers written soon? Boy have I got stories for you. I miss and am going to miss so many and so much.

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